Out of the blue, CD Projekt Red (CDPR) announced a new Unreal Engine 5 engine-powered Witcher game earlier this week. Details are sparse, but the Polish developer did provide a teaser image showing a Witcher medallion. At first, the teaser had as believing that this medallion showed the emblem for the School of the Cat, but as now confirmed directly by CDPR’s Global Communication Director, the medallion does in fact resemble a lynx – a non-existing school in The Witcher franchise. “Ok, some mysteries should not be so mysterious,” Malinowski told Eurogamer yesterday. “I can confirm that the medallion is, in fact, shaped after a lynx.” The communication’s director also took to Twitter to confirm this interesting detail.

— Robert Malinowski (@rob_malinowski) March 23, 2022 Whatever the significance of the Lynx is, remains to be seen, but it’s surely interesting to see that CDPR appears to be stirring away from past Witcher installments, and we’re likely looking at a completely new story and characters for this new Witcher game. On social media, fans are already speculating about playing Ciri or their own freshly-created Witcher. Only time will tell. For now, stay tuned. As always, we’ll update you as soon as we learn more about the new Witcher game. As said, the new game will use Unreal Engine 5, and as covered yesterday, CDPR seemingly decided to switch to Epic’s engine to have a solid foundation and stop chasing CDPR’s own REDEngine’s tools and features for each new game. “Every game they dropped the whole engine, rewrote it from scratch hoping this time it will be better and work, but then due to crunch hacked the hell out of it with it not being maintainable or usable at all”, former CDPR employee, Bart Wronski, wrote on Twitter. A release date for the new Witcher title has yet to be revealed.

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