Apple Watch Detected Atrial Fibrillation and Saved a Maine Woman’s Life

According to CBS News, a Maine woman first thought that her Apple Watch was malfunctioning and was ready to toss the watch but now she “swears by it.” Earlier in May, Kim Durkee saw warnings from her Apple Watch two nights in a row. The wearable warned the user that she was experiencing atrial fibrillation. At first, the user thought that it must be an error. After Kim Durkee went into the emergency room, it was revealed that she did have atrial fibrillation. While the cause was unknown it turns out that it was a fast-growing tumor that was affecting the blood supply that leads to her heart. Due to the Apple Watch’s consistent warning that made the user seek medical attention, Kim Durkee was sent to Massachusetts General Hospital to get the deadly tumor removed. It was a five-hour open heart surgery and it is surprising to note that there were no other symptoms revealed by the user. All thanks to the Apple Watch’s consistent warnings, Kim Durkee received medical treatment on time. Durkee states that the Apple Watch “truly saved my life.” There are countless instances where the Apple Watch saved the lives of people and this will add to it. This is all there is to it, folks. Share your views with us in the comments section below.

Apple Watch Saves Life of a Woman After Helping Diagnose a Deadly Tumor - 39Apple Watch Saves Life of a Woman After Helping Diagnose a Deadly Tumor - 35Apple Watch Saves Life of a Woman After Helping Diagnose a Deadly Tumor - 14